Page 10 - P&OSept24-Oct26
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New news
We’ve got lots of exciting new holidays
for summer 2026 including an overnight
stop in magical Istanbul
Hagia Sophia Grand
Mosque, Istanbul
Arcadia’s 30-night holiday A new 21-night Central
to Canada and USA includes Mediterranean holiday includes
headline overnight calls in an overnight in Istanbul giving you
Quebec, Boston and New two days to explore. You could
York, giving you two days to visit the Hagia Sophia Grand
explore each city. Mosque or haggle for souvenirs
And in August 2026, you at the Grand Bazaar.
Quebec Pyramids of Giza
can join Arcadia to witness There’s also a new 24-night
the total solar eclipse Eastern Mediterranean cruise
from Isafjördur (weather with plenty of adventure in store...
permitting). On the same Highlights include an unmissable
cruise, an overnight in trip to the Pyramids of Giza (from
Greenock gives you the Alexandria), a Greek odyssey in
chance to experience the Athens (from Piraeus) and the
Edinburgh Tattoo – an annual chance to explore the ancient city
spectacle celebrating British of Ephesus (from Kusadasi). Go to
military and Scottish heritage. page 120 for the full itineraries.
See pages 127 and 98.