Page 39 - P&OSept24-Oct26
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Lorem ipsum Southampton
Sa i l f r o m Fly-cruise holidays
The beauty of a cruise holiday is the Glasgow
effortless travel. You hand your bags
over at the terminal in Southampton,
go through security and that’s it: your Belfast
holiday’s begun. No lugging bags,
they’ll meet you at your cabin. You’re Manchester
East Midlands
simply free to start your holiday.
SAIL OR Maybe you want to go straight for a Birmingham London
dip in the pool? Or order a drink as
SOAR “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere”? Cardiff Bristol
Cruising’s also perfect for
people who don’t like flying. From
Southampton, you can explore
Step on board in Southampton and start the cities of Europe, the capitals Bournemouth
your holiday, or hop on a plane and join of Scandinavia, the Norwegian
your ship – there’s benefits to both Fjords, the Canary Islands, the FLY-CRUISE HOLIDAYS
Mediterranean coastlines, the There’s plenty of benefits to fly-cruise
Caribbean and North America – not holidays too. A fly-cruise is that fast
to mention the myriad of destinations forward to the sunshine. You can jet
on our World Cruises. And you get to to Barbados; touch down in Tenerife;
travel in style. With us, the journey’s or even go further afield to places like
just as important as the destination. Australia, Hong Kong or Singapore.
We also offer limitless luggage. And when you land, your ship will be
When you cruise from Southampton, waiting, saving you the sea days and
you’re free to bring as much as you’d giving you more time to explore.
like (although we do have laundry We make it easy. Your flights and
facilities on board too!). transfers are included in your holiday
price and we have representatives on
hand at the airport.
Plus on selected Caribbean charter
flights, we also take care of your
luggage. From the moment you check
your bags at your UK airport, you don’t
have to think of them again. You’ll next
see them waiting at your cabin on
your ship. We take care of everything
so that you can travel from plane to
transfer to ship hands-free.
We also offer regional flights. We
know London isn’t convenient for
everyone, that’s why we offer flights
from airports around the UK. Perfect
for making your holiday even more
effortless. If you’re short on time, a fly-
cruise holiday may be the way to go…
Iona in the Fjords
Arvia in Tortola
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