Page 4 - Landscape SA 96
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e are at level 1 of lockdown and Water conservation is always top of mind
psychologically, our heads are and this being our irrigation feature, two
W(hopefully) in a better space. articles highlight the ongoing need to
Simultaneously, spring is here and it is save it. In the article entitled “Groundwater
always the season that uplifts our spirits as to Relieve Drought, Dr Gideon Groenewald
the small green leaves and shoots begin to tackles this matter from a scientific
appear. It seems to indicate an end to the and faith point of view – an unusual
dark winter we’ve experienced, in more perspective.
ways than one. There is a sense that the
heaviness has been lifted. The Tree Hog is a water saving product that
conserves water, minimises evaporation
The danger of course is that in an improved and improves irrigation efficiency. It was
state of mind (or simply lockdown fatigue), developed with commercial farming in
people begin to let their guards down and mind, but can be used as efficiently for
this leads to an upsurge in the number of landscaping and on golf courses.
infections. Just recently, I saw a group of
about ten people sitting at a restaurant. We continue with our cannabis series –
It was a long table, with no spaces in there is so much to be said and learnt
between the seats and no-one wearing a about this and South Africa is a newcomer
mask, despite the fact that they hadn’t yet to the game, so we have a long way to go.
started eating. Scary! It is an industry that could potentially be a
game changer for our failing economy.
Continuing with our golf focus from
the previous issue, take a look at the Stay focused on the small green shoots
article on the African Turf Academy in and ‘vasbyt’! I am cautiously optimistic
this issue. Situated at Silver Lakes Golf that the tide will turn.
Estate in Pretoria, it offers an international
greenkeeping qualification and
opportunities for employment both in Karyn Richards,
South Africa and abroad. EDITOR
Saena Botany, an accredited Horticultural Practice Centre.
For more info: | 066 173 9743
2 Landscape SA • Issue 96 2020