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             House Jansen, a 2020 SALI gold award winner and recipient of the
             trophy for “Most Innovative and Original Use of Plant Material”.

           OVER THE



           Over the Garden Wall was
           founded in 1994 as more
           of a hobby than a business,
           with Mia Marsay planting
           up topiary frames in various
           shapes and selling them at
           a local craft market.  The               hen Marsay began enjoying   Vision and mission
                                                    working in her garden more than
           company has since grown           Wher regular day job, she knew     Marsay’s mission is to bring beauty,
           into an award-winning              she had to make a change in her career.   purpose and joy into outdoor spaces, and to
           landscaping business with          After completing a few landscape design   protect the balance of nature. Her success
                                                                                as a landscaper lies in her dedication to
                                              courses and increasing her gardening
           ten staff members  and             knowledge by pouring over numerous   her clients and her ability to uncover what
           many SALI Gold Awards to           books, she joined SALI as a member-in-  they really want. She also visits the sites
                                                                                and analyses them,  taking into  account
           its name.                          training. After fulfilling all the necessary   sun, site position, type of soil, land levels,
                                              requirements, she became a principal
                                              member.                           drainage constraints, municipal by-laws

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