Page 10 - Landscape SA 96
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Night view of the main entrance to the estate
Overlooking the upmarket coastal town of Umhlanga in KZN, The Executive Estate is
located within easy reach of numerous golf courses, high-end shopping options and
corporate office hubs. Set in lush, subtropical vegetation with 180° panoramic sea and
city views, the estate offers 56 freestanding homes, 14 cluster homes and 43 apartments.
listair McWade, owner and founder of conservation-orientated individuals), yet be low in maintenance and water-wise.
of McWades Landscapes, developed enormous inroads were made, not just in This was an ideal opportunity to replace
Athe project’s landscape plan which eradicating alien invasive plants (which the thirsty, non-indigenous plant material
involved the creation of a retention dam, will always be an ongoing project), which required daily watering, and install
the re-establishment of the coastal forest but also in controlling soil erosion, an indigenous garden.
by planting indigenous trees and shrubs general maintenance and landscaping.
and importantly, the control of alien “Eventually, the plan is to start re- Design philosophy
and invasive species. He and his team introducing appropriate fauna which can
also created over three km of walking be supported by the newly established “The design of nature is the greatest
and running trails throughout the vegetation,” explains McWade. design of all,” says McWade. This passion is
conservation area, which accounts for 60% what enables him to combine the shapes
of the land on the estate. The grounds fall Brief and forms of trees (his special interest) and
within what was previously coastal forest place them in smaller spaces for people
habitat, supporting wildlife such as small Within the general genre of a to enjoy, in combinations which enhance
buck, banded mongoose and birdlife. contemporary style, the landscapers were their natural beauty, shape, form, texture,
asked to design a garden for the entrance colour and size.
Having set up an on-site nursery, McWade driveway and common areas of the estate.
propagated and re-purposed plants to The Homeowners Association was in the As such, his philosophy centres around
speed up the process of re-establishing process of building a contemporary style interpreting the clients “wish list” and
coastal grasslands, riparian and coastal entrance gate, security offices and parking presenting his proposals so that they tick
forest vegetation. In the process, and with area, and McWade’s brief was for the all the boxes in terms of being water-wise,
the full support of the board (consisting garden to complement the concrete finish, indigenous (at least 70%), generous use of
mulch and nutrients, and smart irrigation
systems which connect to the internet and
adjust watering cycles based on actual
GPS location.
Plant material
Plant material from the existing site was
harvested and re-purposed, and a space
which mimics a typical South African
bushveld scene was designed, comprising
a meandering dry river bed with river
stones, culminating in a natural water
feature. Huge boulders (sourced from
a local quarry), artificial koppies and
A meandering dry river bed depicts a typical South African bushveld scene
indigenous planting completed this look.
8 Landscape SA • Issue 96 2020