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LYNC Digital Center
Library Guest Speaker
Discourse is often considered to be the highest form If books and lectures are too cerebral for your relaxing holiday,
of intelligence. We do a lot of it aboard our ships. Our but you still want some stimulation, then fun trivia and brain
knowledgeable Guest Speakers conduct TEDx-style talks on games might be more your speed, which are offered as
a variety of topics, giving insight into the culture, history and activities on the ship.
natural wonders of our ports of call. In addition to our popular
Increasing your digital IQ is another way to up your intelligence
talks, Oceania Cruises ships have a well-stocked library —
quotient, with the LYNC Digital Center. A dedicated digital
over 2,000 volumes — to feed a thirsty mind. The hustle and
concierge teaches social media and smartphone photography
bustle of all the adventures on shore and activities at sea will
courses for the novice all the way to advanced levels. By the
surely, at some point, have you wanting a moment of quietude
time your cruise is finished, you’ll practically be the next
with a good book. The living room-style spaces invite deep
Instagram influencer…if that’s what you choose.
introspection, whether your choice of book is a tabletop
atlas to see where you’re off to next or the newest Pulitzer
Prize-winning novel.
Experiences may vary by ship; please visit for more details.
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