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adventure ASHORE

            There are many ways to explore our fantastic locales in   await you. On an Oceania Cruises tour, expect
            our signature Oceania Cruises way. Through a number   to do a deep dive into a region to uncover all of
            of speciality tours and an expert team of destination   its secrets, whether culinary, cultural or historic, in a
            specialists, transformative, once-in-a-lifetime     private group setting. We promise that you will
            experiences in the most magnificent places on earth   be forever changed.

                                            Our endless tours and excursions

                                   Istanbul                          Tuscany                            Rotorua
            Our Culinary Discovery Tours pair you   Food & Wine Trails is the leading   BY AQUAMAR
            with knowledgeable chefs from our   culinary tour provider, offering access   Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit
            team to delve into each city’s culinary   to the fascinating world of global   with our Wellness Discovery Tours by
            culture and local bounty for one-of-a-  cuisine. The tours are lead by notable   Aquamar. You'll connect with the local
            kind foodie experiences.          sommeliers, wine writers and chefs to   culture as you re-connect with yourself
                                              give you a true taste of the region.  and enhance your well-being.

                                    Biarritz                       Whangarei                            Helsinki
            GO LOCAL TOURS                    GO GREEN TOURS                     BEYOND BLUEPRINTS TOURS
            Have you ever wanted to know what    For a look at how businesses and locals   Architecture tells stories — stories of
            it’s like to live in another country?    champion sustainability and embrace   the land, stories of history. With Beyond
            Learn what it’s like as a local with these    environmental preservation, a Go Green   Blueprints Tours, your guide will give
            Go Local Tours that take you into the    Tour will be an eye-opening experience.   you a rare look behind the world’s most
            homes and lives of residents and small                               fascinating sites, ones you'll never forget.
            business owners.

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