Page 49 - CruisesIntOceaniaBrandJul24
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Ephesus                         Copenhagen

            EXCURSIONS                        Cruises aren’t known for late-night visits,
            The small group size of an Oceania   but on Oceania Cruises, late-evening
            Exclusive Excursion ensures that your   disembarkation and overnight visits are
            tour provides in-depth enrichment with   the norm. Take advantage of staying
            no distractions.                  longer in port to truly experience the
                                              feel and flavour of the locale.

                                    Kyoto                                                           Machu Picchu
            EXECUTIVE COLLECTION              PRE- & POST-CRUISE                 LAND PROGRAMMES
            Sometimes seeing the world is best   HOTEL PROGRAMME                 Oceania Cruises’ Land Programmes
            done on your own time or with the   Your cruise should be part of your   allow you to explore the wonders of
            person you choose. Hiring a guide and   holiday, but not the start and end of it.   the world in a safe environment, with
            driver to show you the best of what the   We think you should be able to ease into   some of the most knowledgeable
            city has to offer will make an already   your holiday and extend it for as long as   people on the planet and the most
            intimate trip more personal.      you like. With our Pre- and Post-Cruise   intrepid travellers. Designed for the
                                              Hotel Programme, your journey is just as   passionate traveller who cherishes the
                                              important as the destination.      luxury of time to explore at length and
                                                                                 who also values having all the details
                                              The hotel programme includes:
                                                                                 taken care of, these programmes
                                              •   Luxurious hotels, many of which have   provide exclusive access to cultural
                                                a AAA, Michelin or Relais & Châteaux   treasures and natural wonders.
                                                rating, located in the most vibrant
                                                areas of the cities              •   One- to five-night programmes offered

                                              •   Airport, hotel and ship transfers       in regions around the globe

                                              •   24-hour local assistance contact    •   Opportunities available pre-, post- and
                                                                                   mid-cruise to explore a region in
                                              •   Oceania Cruises hospitality and tour      greater depth
                               Puerto Limon
                                                desk in the lobby of each hotel
                                                                                 •   Exclusive access to cultural treasures
            OCEANIA SELECT EXCURSIONS                                              and natural wonders
            The word “select” has meaning here.
            These tours are ways to explore the                                  For complete and current details on
            best the destination has to offer:                                   available Land Programmes, visit
            landmarks, culture, history, natural                       , select a voyage of
            wonders and more.                                                    interest and click the “Hotels & Land” tab.

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