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                                                      The  re-designed  main  entrance  to  the  estate  features
                                                      a variety of succulents, used to reflect a strong focus on
                                                      eco-consciousness. Plants were chosen for their low
                                                      maintenance and water wise properties.

           additionally, assisted the estate to reduce   plants for the project, providing his client   Soft and hard landscaping
           its carbon footprint by placing the   with the most beneficial use of the plants
           Spekboom close to  the security guard   and further ensuring that they would   Soft landscaping comprised a colourful
           station. As this is manned by guards   acclimatise faster and more efficiently in a   variety  of  succulents  to  introduce
           around the clock, a high volume of carbon   new environment.         boldness into the design. Carefully
           dioxide is constantly emited in that                                 chosen, colour-coordinated stones were
           particular area.  Therefore, choosing the   An additional criterion to be met in the   used as decorations and the layout itself
           Spekboom was crucial as it is the most   brief was his client's need for low growing   was designed to form strong and sharp
           effective environmental  ‘warrior’ plant   plants  to be used  in  the beds which   geometric shapes to create a design that
           that can be grown to erase the human   directly border on the main road in front   is symmetrical, neat and clean.
           carbon footprint and to further the eco-  of the estate. The road itself is always busy
           friendliness of an area.  The Spekboom   and frequented by motorists, therefore   Plants were selected based on their water-
           can reach up to two meters, growing in   low- growing plants would ensure that   wise and low maintenance properties. In
           a shrub- or bush-like form. As it is a very   residents would be able to monitor   addition to the Spekboom, the following
           slow growing plant, Janse van Rensburg   oncoming traffic when exiting the estate   plant  material  was  used:  Crassula
           was motivated to  use only  established   and avoid collisions.      ‘Campfire’  as  the  main  groundcover,

                                                                                     Landscape SA • Issue 96 2020      15
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