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             Louis Loubser and his Tree Hog invention, a simple way of conserving
             water and improving irrigation efficiency for tree growth.

                                             TREE HOG

           The Tree Hog is a simple way of conserving water, minimising evaporation and improving
           irrigation efficiencies in order to improve tree growth. Although originally developed for
           commercial farming, it can also be used in gardens and on golf courses.

                eveloped by Louis Loubser, a fruit   stomata tests, thus increasing the amount   fertilisers used. “Increasing soil microbes
                farmer  in  the  Western  Cape,  the   of photosynthesis time during the day as   without using harmful chemicals increases
           DTree Hog combines the benefits of   well as the amount of sugars being stored   soil health,” he explains.
           micro and drip irrigation, reducing water   for vegetative growth.
           usage by up to 70%. It is placed at the base                         Trials
           of young trees, enclosing them, covering   When  used  in  orchards,  the  amount  of
           their root zones and allowing water to be   weed controller and fertiliser used is   Dr.Elmi Lotze, Department of Horticultural
           applied directly to this area.     reduced by up to 30% due to the fact that   Science, University of Stellenbosch, has
                                              nutrients are applied directly to the tree   assisted Loubser with trials for root and
           Using a micro sprinkler, the  Tree Hog   root zones.                 growth  development.  After  planting  a
           irrigates a 500 x 600 mm section around the                          lemon orchard on his farm, he conducted
           base of the tree. This area is not affected by   The structure consists of an injection-  tests to observe the differences in growth
           factors such as wind, evaporation or warm   moulded, polypropylene plastic case which   and yield. He says that various mulching
           soil temperatures.  The water is forced   is clipped onto the tree. It accommodates   structures that are commercially available
           downwards and spreads in the same   irrigation lines and a micro-spray system,   claim water saving for trees, but few
           manner as with drip irrigation, creating an   with pipes running through ventilation   of these claims are substantiated with
           ‘onion’ form that quickly fills up the root   holes to the water-controlled area. It is   literature. He quantified the potential
           zones  with  water. The Tree  Hog  protects   designed to last up to eight years.  reduction of evapotranspiration (ET) with
           the area around the tree, keeping the                                the Tree Hog as an inorganic mulch in a
           soil temperature cool and consistent. This   Sound reasoning         fully irrigated orchard, comparing it with
           assists in the development of young trees                            areas without the Tree Hog.
           and also reduces the need for weeding   Loubser says he invented the  Tree Hog
           around them.                       because he wanted a product that would   Together with Dr  Lotze, the  following
                                              change the way of thinking about irrigation   conclusions were reached:
           The structure also builds up a buffer zone   and use the least amount of water correctly   •  tree  volume,  shoot  length  and  stem
           just beneath the soil, reducing the risk of   in order to improve growth. Reducing the   circumference indicated higher growth;
           fine roots being damaged.  This ensures   amount of water used also saves on pump   •  the  Tree  Hog  structure  reduced  water
           that  the  trees  are  less  stressed,  and   costs  and  electricity,  as  well  as  reducing   losses of micro jets and concentrated
           Loubser has undertaken pressure leaf and   the amount of weed controllers and   water in the root zone, resulting in more

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