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Quality in Tourism

    Tourism is a highly competitive industry, and a world-standard of quality benchmarking – through the
    Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA) – is essential to gaining that competitive advantage.

    Quality assurance is a non-negotiable

       Adele Mackenzie             that is quality-assured, enhances   “Quality lies in the small   longer applicable or important to
    H     AVING a globally recognised   ensure that we give visitors the   welcome. It is in the quality   is actively working to expand
                                                                touches that make guests feel
                                   their experience. We need to
                                                                                               Auret adds that the TGCSA
          star-grading tells the
                                                                experience they have – sitting
                                   best experience when they are in
          story of the quality of an
    establishment in the first glance,   South Africa.”         on their patio, looking up at   the grading programme. “We
                                                                                              currently have around 4 000
                                                                the stars in the night sky. It
    says Chief Quality Assurance   ‘Quality is all-encompassing’   is the quality of service, the   graded establishments, are
    Officer for the Tourism Grading   Auret emphasises that,    willingness to meet a guest’s   targeting 5 500 in the short term
    Council of South Africa (TGCSA),   by being graded and      needs.”                       and are aiming to have 8 000
    Bronwen Auret.                 promoting the TGCSA-graded     Hub Head of Domestic        graded establishments by 2030.”
      “Quality assurance is a non-  establishments, as an industry   Tourism at SA Tourism,
    negotiable when seeking to satisfy   we help our country achieve   Mashoto Mokgethi, concludes:
    customer needs and ensuring a   the highest level of quality   “As a consumer, you know    Did you know?
    positive visitor experience.”  assurance, promote optimal   exactly what you can expect
      With South Africa projected to   value for money and give   when you go to a particular   The Tourism Act of 2014
    receive 10 million visitors this year,   ‘customer expectation’ the   place and you also know that   makes provision for TGCSA
    it is vital for suppliers to meet, or   paramount position it   you are assured of absolutely   to be responsible for the
    even exceed, global standards.       deserves.              anything that you want. I urge   implementation of a grading
      Auret says: “Star-grading                                               everyone in      system that will oversee the
    is a solutions-driven way                                                 the industry     quality assurance of tourism
    to achieve that. This way                                                 to choose        product, services and facilities.
    we become a nation that                          Quality lies in the small touches   a graded   TGCSA Star Grading is
    doesn’t only welcome                      that make guests feel welcome.     establishment   an official ranking that is
    the world with its warm-                          – Bronwen Auret         as their         recognised the world over. It is
                                                                                               awarded once an independent
    hearted ‘Sawubonas’, but                                                  preferred        quality assessment is completed
    one that is absolutely                                                    supplier.”       and approved, which helps all
    ready for all it has to                                                                    travellers know what to expect
    offer.”                        Noting that working with her   Criteria under review        upfront from establishments
      The Grading System follows   strong team and the TGCSA    As industry recovers post-     such as hotels, B&Bs, guest
    stringent quantitative and     assessors, she says it is “a   pandemic and consumer needs   houses etc.
    qualitative core requirement and   privilege of purpose” to serve   and trends are evolving, Auret   Local establishments are
    quality standards which take   South Africa and contribute   says that “in the spirit of growth”,   graded from one star up to five
    global best practice and industry   to the growth of the country’s   now is the perfect time to review   stars, with one star being very
    needs into account.            tourism sector and the       the current grading criteria.  basic in the facilities it offers
      “They want to know that they   economy as a whole.          “We are doing this in wide   and five stars being a place
    are paying for a standard that they   Auret is also quick to point   consultation with the industry   with all the bells and whistles.
    have procured when they come   out that quality is not just   and going over every aspect to
    and experience our destination.   about luxury, or lack of it, but   see what works, what we need
    A graded establishment, a product   that it is all-encompassing.   to introduce and what is no

    TOURISM UPDATE QUALITY ASSURANCE WITH TGCSA           GET GRADED                                          January 2025  1
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