Page 4 - Quality Assurance with TGCSA
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Quality in Tourism
Why industry leaders say grading is critical
Adele Mackenzie departments, including Grading ‘Grading criteria must be providing reassurance to
Council. It’s extremely important consistent’ international travellers of safety,
ENSURING a quality experience for that we all work together. We CEO of the South African comfort, and strong service
the visitor to South Africa cannot need legislation where all Association for the Conference levels.
be achieved in isolation, it needs establishments and hotels need Industry (SAACI), Glenton De “The TGCSA assessors have to
to be achieved in collaboration to be star-graded, because star- Kock, concurs on the value of be considered as vital to help to
with the whole industry. grading is recommended, and grading: “A star on the wall is the drive tourism growth.”
Which is why TGCSA has a accepted, in many key overseas right business decision to make.” Du Toit points to a recent
strong working relationship with source markets.” He says South Africa has the Phocuswire report that
several key industry associations She believes grading is diverse and appealing product underscores the need for
and is working with them, says essential to uphold the high offering that can be leveraged for grading – that 70% of travellers
Rosemarie van Staden, President standards visitors expect, tourism growth, but emphasises across the globe base their
and Chairperson of the National adding that she appreciates that that grading criteria need to be decisions on ratings.
Accommodation Association of the TGCSA is always open to consistent across the board.
South Africa (NAASA). hearing about new trends and “That’s one fundamental we have ‘BQV a gateway’
“I represent the guest houses listening to NAASA and its to get right.” Thato Mothopeng,
on all the different tourism members. Co-Coordinator of South
African Township and Village
A star on the wall Tourism Association (SATAVITO),
is the right business is encouraging township
and village businesses to get
decision to make. graded in order to elevate their
– Glenton de Kock businesses as strong players in
the tourism economy.
He adds that the Basic Quality
De Kock adds that, with grading Verification programme is an
criteria currently under review, exciting gateway that ensures
it is also important to focus on access for new township
future evolutions and ensure the and village tourism entrants
criteria can adapt to “the venue in the accommodation and
of the future that hasn’t even conferencing space to be
been built yet”. graded.
“This will add to South
‘Builds tourism credibility’ Africa’s rich and diverse tourism
Chief Operating Officer of SATSA, offering and offer the authentic
Hannelie du Toit, believes cultural and heritage experience
Elephant drinking outside accommodation at Kwa Maritane Lodge. grading builds tourism credibility, many tourists are now seeking.”
Niche market services and facilities included
NICHE market services and
facilities at the many graded
establishments around the
country are now included
in the TGCSA grading
system. These are known as
The introduction of
the Accolades criteria
to provide recognition
for achievements and
distinguishing features is a
new value for both product
owners and consumers.
Under this system the
establishment would need
to meet typically a minimum
number of requirements
to achieve an Accolade or
‘badge’ of recognition.
Seventeen Accolade
categories are currently