Page 3 - Quality Assurance with TGCSA
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Quality in Tourism

    Excellence drives growth – grading

    clinches it

    WHILE the provision of         their marketing material and
    excellent service contributes   are marketed on the TGCSA
    directly to the growth and     website.
    development in the tourism   •  South African Tourism
    sector, an internationally     endorses star-graded
    recognised grading system      establishments
    provides the quality assurance   •  Grading assists
    that travellers demand.        establishments in positioning
      “It takes a single glance for   their product.
    local and international visitors   •  Government departments
    to recognise an establishment’s   and many others only use
    quality and service excellence,”   graded establishments.
    says Chief Quality Assurance   •  Grading is a constant quality
    Officer at the Tourism Grading   control tool, with a feedback
    Council of South Africa (TGCSA),   mechanism.
    Bronwen Auret.
      “This is why it is so important   Highly trained and
    for all of us in the travel and   accredited
    tourism industry to not only   The assessors are trained
    become graded but to use     and certified by the Culture,
    and promote TGCSA star-      Arts, Tourism, Hospitality,
    graded establishments. By    and Sport Sector Education
    doing this, we help our country   and Training Authority
    achieve the highest level of   (CATHSSETA) and have
    quality assurance, promote   in-depth knowledge and
    optimal value for money and   experience of the grading   on key consumer insights, and   recognise the importance of
    give ‘customer expectation’   process, which they share with   highlights that tourism grading   grading.
    the paramount position it    the establishment they are   is a credible indicator of quality   Rosemary Anderson,
    deserves.”                   grading, providing valuable   assurance.                    Chairperson of hospitality
      Auret highlights: “Be it a   insights and solutions to   Further key findings from a   association, FEDHASA, agrees.
    hotel, bed & breakfast, self-  improve quality assurance.  recent TGCSA benchmarking study   “Grading helps build guest
    catering, caravan and camping   Auret explains that quality in   show that key source market   confidence and creates a strong
    or conference venue, the     tourism is a holistic experience.   countries are still grading and   reputation for an establishment.”
    advantages of being graded by   “Every single touchpoint – from
    the TGCSA are endless.”      the moment they arrive –
                                 determines their experience.   Less paperwork. Easy application
    Key benefits at a glance     The level of grading, from
    •  Establishments immediately   one star to five, helps guide a   The TGCSA application process has minimised the heavy
      add credibility and have   guest’s expectations regarding   paperwork, making it so much easier.
      the right to display the   the level of comfort they can   Star grading is an annual membership that entails a ONCE-
      prestigious TGCSA plaque   expect.”                      OFF application and an automatic renewal of an establishment’s
      outside their premises.      The TGCSA and South African   grading status subject to the
    •  Establishments may use    Tourism’s latest Net Promoter   payment of the membership fees.
      the TGCSA logo (star) in all   Score (NPS) report focused
                                                                                                  APPLY TO

      Qualify for up to 90% grading discount                                                   GET GRADED

      THE Department of Tourism   may receive an 80% discount on   (for CCs and Private Companies)/  Note: TOMSA members’
      and Tourism Grading Council   TGCSA grading fees.           partnership agreement (for   businesses will qualify for a
      of South Africa (TGCSA) have   To qualify for an up to 80%   Partnerships)/trust deeds (for   further 10% discount.
      announced that the Tourism   discount, establishments are   Trusts) identity document (for
      Grading Support Programme   required to submit the following   Sole Proprietors)         Important info
      will run until March 2025.   documents:                   •  A certified copy of B-BBBEE   •  For new applications, go to
       The programme is a part of   •  A copy of a current and valid   certificate or sworn affidavit
      the Department of Tourism’s   SARS Tax Clearance Certificate  in the case of Exempt Micro   and commence membership
      Tourism Incentive Programme,   •  A copy of an identity document   Enterprise (EME) to Qualifying   registration
      which aims to encourage the   (ID)                          Small Enterprise (QSE) with more   •  Members who are due for
      growth and transformation of   •  A copy of relevant business   than 51% black shareholding); and  renewal will qualify for
      graded establishments. Through   registration documents i.e.   •  A copy of public liability   the programme if their
      this programme, establishments   company registration document   insurance                 assessment is imminent

    TOURISM UPDATE QUALITY ASSURANCE WITH TGCSA           GET GRADED                                          January 2025  2
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