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Quality in Tourism

                        Judy Mafuyeka                                               Judith Sevenster
                        073 203 1422                                                084 581 8720
                        Mpumalanga and Limpopo                                      Sevenster graduated in 2014 with a BA degree
                        As a self-described “lifelong learner”,                     in geography and psychology. Growing up
                        Mafuyeka studied at the Vaal University of                  in the Lowveld, she is passionate about the
                        Technology School of Tourism and Hospitality                tourism industry, which motivates her to
                        in Gauteng. She is an experienced teacher,                  assist establishments with quality assurance
                        travel specialist, training and development                 to be the best they can be.
                        professional and assessor.

                        Lincoln Tsaha                                               Werner Rossouw
                        081 450 6225                                                082 488 6437
                        Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and                            Mpumalanga and Limpopo
                        North West                                                  Rossouw has been in the hospitality industry
                        Tsaha has worked extensively in the hotel,                  since 2000 in operational, management,
                        restaurant and tourism consulting business.                 training and consulting roles. He specialises
                        He provides professional guidance to hotels,                in star grading assessments for game lodges,
                        game lodges and guesthouses as well as                      resorts and hotels.
                        conference and function venues.

                        Lerato Sekgobela                                            Lisa Dunn
                        073 426 2218                                                082 928 8002
                        Limpopo                                                     Mpumalanga and Limpopo
                        Sekgobela is a graduate with training and                   With previous experience at the first
                        experience in public management, public                     Mpumalanga tourism legislature in 1996
                        relations, tourism management, technical                    and tourism marketing and projects at
                        management, photo journalism, print media                   Mpumalanga Tourism from 2000, Dunn offers
                        management, social media marketing,                         pre-grading assessments and has completed
                        entrepreneurship, public procurement and                    several mentorship programmes with various
                        supply chain and project management.                        tourism products.

                        Gerhard Franken                                             Robert von Benecke
                        076 184 8726                                                060 335 5794
                        Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal                                   Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Gauteng and
                        Franken is a native of the Western Cape                     KwaZulu-Natal
                        where his hospitality career started over                   Von Benecke is a hospitality and tourism
                        28 years ago. He spent nearly 10 years in                   consultant and an accredited independent
                        London where he obtained his marketing                      assessor. He is also a business coaching
                        and business administration qualifications.                 and mentoring adviser, Tourism Enterprise
                        He managed several hotels and was part of                   Programme Toolkit facilitator and Tourism and
                        the Visit London Tourism Association.                       Hospitality Education and Training Authority

                                      The only star worth trusting.

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    TOURISM UPDATE QUALITY ASSURANCE WITH TGCSA           GET GRADED                                          January 2025  7
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